How We Help
Do the Right Thing collaborates with public and private organizations to help meet the needs of at-risk families with children. We host annual events such as “The March of Diapers,” which collects money, baby items to distribute to those in need.
Get Involved
Are you passionate about what we’re doing? Let us know! We are always looking for volunteers to help us make our vision a reality. We’ll help you find a way to volunteer that best suits you. We’re excited to have you join the team!
Thank You!
Whether you help through monetary donations, volunteering your time, or spreading our mission through word-of-mouth, we thank you For sharing our vision. We couldn’t accomplish our goals without the help of supporters like you.
The Latest News
2018 Diaper Drive Results
Thank you to everyone who helped make this MAGIC happen! Our 2018 Drive the 4th Annual March of Diapers Drive was able to collect and distribute over 68,000 Diapers and over 44,000 wipes to 12 different Non- Profits helping Babies of Low income families: Mary's Place...
Paving the Way
Our new Program “Paving the Way” aims to help Running Start Students. We invite you to learn how to help an aspiring scholar by “Paving the Way”. Do the Right Thing has launched a new program “Paving the Way" to help Students wanting to attend Running Start. What you...
About Do the Right Thing
Who We Are ?
Do the Right Thing collaborates with public and private organizations to help meet the needs of at-risk families with children and the elderly. We host annual events such as “The March of Diapers,” which collects money, diapers & wipes to distribute to organizations that serve low-income families.
Our Mission
We organize fundraisers, community-building activities that promote the health and welfare of families with children struggling to help their children succeed
2024 Diapers Collected
2024 Wipes Collected
What we Do
Do the Right Thing strives to make a positive difference
Diaper Drives
Diaper Donation
Community Activities
Support Our Diaper Drives
Would you like to become an agent of change in the life of a baby or an elderly person?